The evaluation of students’ performance in IBDP is variable. The evaluation and assessment of students is done in accordance with the objectives of each course. Whereas evaluation and measurement in some courses focus on knowledge and comprehension, in some courses the aim is to gain specific skills related to these courses.
Students are awarded IB Diploma based on the results of the assessment by IBO along with teacher’s assessment. All the assessment is carried out in line with IBO standards and instructions.
Internal assessments vary depending on the course content. Students are assessed and evaluated through different studies they do. For instance, portfolio, lab work, projects and critical thinking are among the significant assessment criteria.
TOK and Extended Essay are not assessed with written exams; however, both are assessed and evaluated in accordance with IBO standards. Students are required to successfully complete a minimum of 150 hours of CAS in line with designated standards.


The system used for internal purposes during the course is employed by the International Baccalaureate Organisation in the award of the Diploma. Each of the six subjects studied is graded on a 1-7 scale as follows:


Students who get an “E” from both Extended Essay and TOK are not awarded a diploma.

IBDP courses are graded on a scale of 1 to 7. Internal assessments for each subject are assessed by the teacher, which comprises 20-40% of the overall grade. Teacher’s grading is also externally evaluated by IBO in accordance with their standards and norms. Students can get an extra 3 points for their Extended Essay and TOK studies. The highest diploma grade to obtain is 45. Students who deserve a diploma receive an official IB Diploma as well as total diploma grade, grades per course and a document showing Extended Essay and TOK grade.
IB Diploma Programme examinations take place in May. Each examination is held in separate sessions. Those who cannot pass exams in May have the right to take those exams in November.
